What Next? Love At 7th Sight ?

What Next ?

Love at Seventh Sight?

Seventh love details: 
Last week we meet one inspirational person and his family. His name is Mr. Mari. 
He is physically challenged person and his wife also physically disabled. He has cute little 3 years old son. 
(Husband and wife both of them don't have two leg).
He is stayed in Vellakeinaru, Samathuvapuram area near Thudiyalur.

He is worked small size wheelchair producer near in Rainbow, Ramanathapuram road. 
But unfortunately highways officer was removed his small size petty shop sometimes back. 
After that his day to day life default to run. Now he is required our love to start that small size petty shop again in his area.

For that need some thing like shampoo, paste, day to grocery,staples and household needs.
So we plan to love him and start a small size petty shop with our support.
Guys please support him and we need all your valuable help...

We already expressed our love and just started it. 
If you want to love him please feel free to call +91 9894150119.

Thank You..!
Please Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Love..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...!

Love At Sixth Sight


Love at Sixth sight on 5th December 2015 at Cuddalore.

It was a very bad news for Tamil Nadu and bad experience for us. Because we saw 1000 of peoples on road for single food packets. It might be because of nature or might be some careless politicians.

Whatever its, seeing my people on road it was very painful moment for us. We took 250 verity rice packets, dresses, bread packets, water bottles and etc.

We never see such kind of people there was a lot case and fight with people near viruthachala and finally we reached kullanchavadi. From there we travelled 20 Km and we reached our needy and distributed the relief materials.
 We collected and spend totally Rs.7000 /- for this love 

Please don't help them just love them.Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 9894150119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...!

Love At Fourth Sight

Love at fourth sight on 14th September 2015 at Coimbatore.

We have provided food for 60 children's on 14 - September 2015 evening 8.30 pm.
It was a very good experience in our life.
Each and every child ate the food happily it was one of the happiest moments for us.
We stayed till night 10.00 pm and gave them a sweet and we finished the dinner celebration.

Please don't help them just love them.
Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 9894150119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...!

Love At Fifth Sight

Love at fifth sight on 11th November 2015 at Coimbatore.

We have provided food and crackers for 35 children's for Diwali. Also we brought some mandatory things like tube lights and plastic baskets for regular use. And we were celebrated our Diwali in that orphanage.

Totally we spend Rs.5000 /-  for this Diwali Dinner celebration..! 

Please don't help them just love them.Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 9894150119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...!

Love At Third Sight

Love at third sight on 6th July 2015 at Coimbatore.

Baby Danushri was admitted at Ganga Hospital for skull operation and the operation fee was nearly Rs.500000/-
We were collected Rs.15000 and got Rs.20000 DD from another social group RBFCO. 
We gave the amount for her operation and the operation completed successfully.

Baby is cure and happy now. Thanks to RBFCO group and who and all donated money for this child.
Please refer Activist page for child contact details or feel free to contact +91 98941 50119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...

Love At Second Sight

Love at second sight on 17th May 2015 at Madurai.

We met Kowsith (3 Years) who was born with heart problem.
 His father and mother were come from a very poor family.
And they don't have enough money for his operation so they went to Surya Trust  and asked some help and they ready to donate full operation fee from their trust.

Surya Trust is a trust who only helping child's heart problem. 
We got information Surya Trust and our team members went to hospital and donated Rs.4000/- for his operation.
We can trust Surya Trust at Madurai who only doing help for child heart operations.

Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 98941 50119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...

Love At First Sight

Wheel Chair

Love at first sight on 1st April 2015 at Coimbatore. 

We have donated a wheel chair for a needy person who was  admitted at Ganga Hospital for spinal cord injury.
We have collected the money nearly Rs.10,000 and brought one wheel chair for him and we expressed our love.

That was a much exited moment for us. Thank you one and all who loved each other’s.
If you have an idea to help some peoples please contact us we will take you to the really needy persons. 

There are lot of people from several places waiting in long line for very small help. 

Let us find them and take them in front of you. 

Please don't help them just love them..
Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 9894150119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...