Love at Seventh Sight

Love at Seventh Sight !

Seventh love proposal details: 
Last Wednesday we have provided food for 65 children’s at Singanallur School. We got the school information from Mrs.Ramya Sakthivel who recently joined in our team. Then our dedicated volunteer Mr.Kannapiran verified the school and he confirmed they are really poor then we pass this information to our sponsors and they said Okay! They are really good. Then we decided to provide food to the children’s and we orders food to Mr.Anand who is providing quality and tasty food.

Finally Wednesday afternoon we provided the food to our children and ate the food very happily.

Remarks:  We made a very big mistake we committed to the school at 12.45 PM we will there with the food but unfortunately we reached there by 1.45. We got late to prepare the food and we feel very badly. From next time we will work hard and will correct the mistake. Finally when we see the smile on children’s face then we also feel really very happy.

Thanks to Mr.Ramakrishanan.
He is one waited for food more than 2.00 Hours and I see smile on his face when he completed this event. Really thanks for his patience.

Finally thanks for everybody who are all helped this event in background Thanks!

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Please don't help them just love them.
Please refer Activist Program page or feel free to call +91 9894150119

Thank You..!
Please Be Remember Somebody Is Waiting For Your Help..!  
By Your, Loving Soul...!